Model Advice: Avoiding Isolation And Finding A Community As An Online Adult Entertainer

Chellsterz from CamGirlDollhouse gives new models important advice about finding your tribe.

As an adult entertainer, especially one who works primarily online, it can be easy to feel isolated from society and your peers. Many models are not public about their occupation and may not feel comfortable being open about their lives with those who aren’t in the industry. As humans, we have a need to relate to others, which is why the adult industry community can be so important.

What can an adult entertainer gain from engaging this community? 

Well, for one, models who feel isolated, lonely, or like they are unable to connect with their peers can find friends who understand them on a different level. Oftentimes, when interacting with each other, models feel as if the ice has been broken before the conversation even starts. We have all seen each other exposed, after all.

Secondly, models can find support for problems that other people might not experience. Adult entertainers deal with a myriad of unique issues, such as custody battles, discrimination by financial institutions, difficult clients, and fighting our own insecurities on camera. We can all help each other out and exchange advice on how to deal with these things.

Engaging with other professionals in the industry can also help us upgrade our work! It can be so inspiring to trade tips and tricks on how to improve your work, from practical things like lighting and angles, to the creative elements like video ideas. You can even find other models to collaborate with!

So, what are some ways to get involved in the community?

Get involved in social media, follow other performers, and actively engage their tweets. Take some time each day and see what other models are tweeting about. If a model posts about something you relate to, chime in with a comment and share your experience. Also, post engaging tweets that other models may respond to. Open-ended questions are a great way to encourage models and clients alike to open up!

Seek out private message groups. There are so many private message groups for models only. These exist on Twitter, Instagram, and even Discord. Private message groups are a great place to chat about your personal lives and get advice from fellow performers. There are even groups focused on cross-promotion. Send out a post or ask around and I’m sure you will be able to find a group that interests you.

Attend conventions and private model events. If you are able to attend, conventions and model events are an amazing place to meet other performers in real life. You can get inspired with your work, collaborate, or just get a break from your regular day to day life. Many sites give performers free tickets to events and host private parties for models only. Content events, like the ones hosted by Camgirldollhouse, are a great place to connect, collaborate, and learn, for models from all walks of life.

Getting connected to the adult entertainment industry may seem daunting at first, but it is so worth it. We all have something to gain and learn from each other. We’re stronger together, so let’s keep growing this community and building each other up!

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